Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 9, 2008


Cement raw materials
More than 100 years we have been concerned with comminution. Loesche roller grinding mills remain the heart of our dry-grinding installations in the cement industry worldwide.
The Loesche grinding principle combines a horizontal grinding table with large tapered roller under hydropneumatic loading - the best possible compromise between output and wear.

We supply 2-, 3-, 4- and 6-roller mills to suit the required output; the product quality can be varied during operation by altering the classifier speed

All Loesche mills can be started with grinding rollers raised. Metal-to-metal contact between the grinding parts does not occur. Their quiet, ‘smooth’, operation is appreciated.

The great flexibility of Loesche mills:
A 6-roller mill can be operated as a 4-roller mill with a capacity
of around 80 %. A 4-roller mill can be operated as a 2-roller mill
with a capacity of 60%.

Our roller grinding mills are supplied for pressure or suction operation, with internal or external circulation, with rotary or static classifiers as well as with vertical or side raw material feed.

The cost advantages of Loesche roller grinding mills in comparison with other systems of grinding with regard to building expenditure, energy consumption and wear behavior have been verified and published.

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